Activities to try at home – Pop-up Earth Card

Download our pop-up Earth card template so you can make your own at home and learn about the layers of the Earth.

You will need:

  • 2 x pieces of paper
  • a printer
  • colouring pens/pencils
  • scissors
  • Pritt or glue
  1. Print out the downloadable cut-outs in the link above on double sided paper
  2. Colour in the Earth and its different layers
  3. Cut out the pop-up pieces along the solid lines
  4. Fold the pieces along the dashed lines
  5. Stick down on the grey tabs where marked
  6. Open and close your card to watch the Earth pop-up!

Looking for some fun ways to learn more about the Earth?  Why not try out some of these activities you can do at home or in a classroom!

Link to Moldable Soap Earth activity.
Link to Layered Earth Pudding Cup activity
Link to Slinky Wave activity
Link to Lego Layers of the Earth activity
Link to Pop-up Earth Card activity
Link to Knitted Earth activity
Link to Smartphone Seismometer activity
Link to Earthquake Wave Race activity